Meet the Motley Team

Scott Kor

Scott Kor


Scott lives in Atlanta but is more commonly found around 35,000 feet.

Bill Cvik

Bill Cvik


Bill simultaneously manages the Northeast Team while calling on key accounts around New York.

Kevin Smyth

Kevin Smyth


Kevin lives in Pittsburgh and covers a wide reaching territory with distinction.

Michael Gross

Michael Gross


Michael calls on key accounts while managing the New England territory.

Matt Reno

Matt Reno

Director, New Media Division

Matt runs inbound marketing and covers eCommerce accounts.

Katie Ollice

Katie Ollice

Sales Representative

Katie lives outside Washington DC and covers a dense territory. 

Sean Reilly

Sean Reilly

Sales Representative

Sean lives in Philly and covers a broad account based territory.

Kim Checinski

Kim Checinski

Sales Representative

Kim lives outside New York and covers an important region along with Bill. 

Ken Bratton

Ken Bratton

Sales Representative

Ken lives outside New Orleans but lends his expertise in Facilities products to the entire Southeast.

Chris Devney

Chris Devney

Sales Representative

Chris lives in Florida and handles strategic accounts.

Donna Sheridan

Donna Sheridan

Office Manager

Donna keeps the wheels turning at our corporate HQ and is a contact all our manufacturers come to know.

John Hagan

John Hagan

Sales Representative

John lives in Florida and covers a regional territory.

Louis Munoz

Louis Munoz

Sales Representative

Louie lives in Florida and covers key accounts plus many island based dealers.

Chuck Staggs

Chuck Staggs

Sales Representative

Chuck lives in the Carolinas and covers some of the most diverse dealerships in the region.

Josie Redd

Josie Redd

Office Manager

Josie aids Scott and others with key inside sales functions and operations.

Dylan Rowsey

Dylan Rowsey

Sales Representative

Dylan lives in Nashville and covers a territory with several key accounts.

John Hendricks

John Hendricks

Sales Representative

John lives in Texas and covers a territory with his team.

Lori Ruehle

Lori Ruehle

Inside Sales

Lori works closely to support John Hendricks in the South. 

Jim Feagin

Jim Feagin

Sales Representative

Jim grew the regional territory he covers in the Rockies with his astute team. 

John Windham

John Windham

Sales Representative

John lives in the great state of Louisiana and covers regional accounts. 

Raoul Guero

Raoul Guero

Sales Representative

Raoul lives in Arizona and covers regional accounts.

Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown

Sales Representative

Jennifer lives in Texas and offers superior coverage by commuting to Oklahoma and Arkansas. She also covers West Texas.

Jim Nydam

Jim Nydam

Sales Representative

Jim lives in Denver and covers regional accounts in Colorado and New Mexico.

Paul Hibbs

Paul Hibbs

Sales Representative

Paul lives in the great state of Colorado and covers key accounts in the region.

Rocky Cox

Rocky Cox

Sales Representative

Rocky is named for the territory he covers, making him truly the man for the job.

Kellie Cooper

Kellie Cooper

Inside Sales

Kelly is an integral part of the southern team, lending sales support.